简介:Now You See Him, Now You Don't is a 1972 Walt Disney Productions film starring Kurt Russell as a chemistry student who accidentally discovers the secret to invisibility. It is the sequel to the 1969 film The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes and was followed by 1975's The Strongest Man in the World.
简介:这是一个讲述亲情和奋斗的故事,窘困的父亲为了养活家人而被迫偷盗,导致自尊心极强的儿子离家出走。影片对家庭关系,贫富分化都有细致的描述。电影是由 William H. Armstrong的同名小说改编拍摄而成,讲述了30年代一个美国黑人家庭的种种经历。故事则是关于一个男孩的信念、努力和坚毅的决心,主角是美国一个黑人佃农家庭的11岁少年.当时是一个经济萧条的年代,这个家庭的生计也面临艰难的考验,只有忠心的义犬 Sounder 依然守在一家人的身旁。佃农父亲为了让一家人能够维持温饱,不得已之下偷了别人的食物,但还是被人发现并因此遭到法律制裁,被送到劳动集中营服刑。少年为了探望父亲,就和 Sounder展开一场长途跋涉的漫长旅程,在这段旅程当中,少年经历了许多前所未有的体验,尤其还遇到一位热心助人的老师教他阅读,少年就在种种历练中不断蜕变成长,即使面对逆境,依然对未来生活怀抱着无限的理想与希望。2003年迪斯尼重拍了这部经典影片。The Morgans, a loving and strong family of Black sharecroppers in Louisiana in 1933, face a serious family crisis when the husband and father, Nathan Lee Morgan, is convicted of a petty crime and sent to a prison camp. After some weeks or months, the wife and mother, Rebecca Morgan, sends the oldest son, who is about 11 years old, to visit his father at the camp. The trip becomes something of an odyssey for the boy. During the journey he stays a little while with a dedicated Black schoolteacher.获奖记录《Sounder》1973年得到奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳男女主角和最佳改编剧本的提名。在2006年美国电影学院百年百部励志电影中名列第六十一位。
简介:曾经是一名警察的汉斯(汉斯·希尔斯缪勒 Hans Hirschmüller 饰)因为被妓女诬陷而丢掉了工作,为了糊口,心怀大志的他不得不成为了一名水果小贩。汉斯无法取得心爱姑娘的父母的信任和赏识,已经到了成家年龄的他最终娶了名叫伊尔姆加特(伊尔姆·海尔曼 Irm Her mann 饰)的女人。自打结婚后,汉斯的人生正式走上的下坡路,伊尔姆加特的粗暴和无礼为汉斯的不如意雪上加霜。汉斯得了心脏病,在住院期间,独守空房的伊尔姆加特耐不住寂寞,和邻居安策尔(Karl Scheydt 饰)之间发生了不道德的关系。出院后的汉斯已经无力再沿街叫卖水果了,改为摆水果摊。一次偶然中,他与战友哈里(Klaus Löwitsch 饰)重逢了,尽管哈里给汉斯一家带来了不少的快乐,但他依旧无法阻止汉斯走向绝望。
简介:Hauntingly BeautifulThis film is stunning in its beauty. The music is transcendent. For the longest time I tried to get the soundtrack. To save you the trouble, be aware that they never made one! There is one scene in which a woman blows on a shell that was so powerful I still remember 30 years later. Mesmerizing. If you have not seen it yet, rent it today.