简介:瑞秋把在Central Perk的工作辞掉,开始尝试在时尚界找一份工作。后来她遇到了马克(Mark),马克在Bloomingdates为她找了一份工作,但罗斯始终确信Mark对瑞秋有企图,因此变得异常敏感和嫉妒。这种紧张关系在他们的周年纪念日是达到了顶点,瑞秋由于工作无法和罗斯共进晚餐,罗斯就带了食物到瑞秋办公室,但弄得一团糟直到瑞秋命令他回到了家。两人在回家后的争吵最终导致两人赌气分手(take a break)。当晚,罗斯和瑞秋都试图解决他们之间的分歧。罗斯在和乔伊 、钱德勒在外面喝酒的时候,罗斯打电话给瑞秋,碰巧马克来到家里探望瑞秋,罗斯气愤地挂断了电话。在绝望的时候他和一名叫Chloé的女子度过了一夜,当第二天他和瑞秋试图重归于好时,瑞秋却知道了罗斯的一夜情,一段激烈争吵和绝望的哀求之后,他们最终分手了。但是,在这一季结尾,看到罗斯开始和邦妮(Bonnie)约会时,瑞秋感到非常伤心。当罗斯和瑞秋为此争吵时,他们发现彼此仍然爱着对方。本季最后,罗斯来到走廊,面对着邦妮和瑞秋两个卧室的门,犹豫着。
简介:1883, Baycliff, an isolated English village on the Irish Sea. Two womens friendship becomes passion. Cynara, a sculptor, alone, befriends Byron, a visitor whos left Paris in unhappiness. They ride horses, talk, play chess, and exchanging tenderness. Byron inspires Cynara as she sculpts, Cynara becomes Byrons muse as she writes. Then each imagines expressing physical passion to the other, Cynaras visions in black and white, Byrons in color. Their touches remain brief. Does respectability hold them back? What might pull down any last barriers to their expressions of love? 最浪漫的女同电影 1883年,Baycliff,坐落在爱尔兰海(Irish sea 直译)的与世隔绝的英国村庄。两个女人的友谊升华出激情。Cynara,一名单身的雕刻家。以朋友的身份照顾着 Byron。 Byron在巴黎有痛苦往事的外来者。他们一起骑马、聊天、下棋、分享内心的秘密。 Byron在Cynara雕刻时给与鼓励。Cynara在Byron写作时给与灵感。 From Nicole Conn, director of the classic lesbian love story Claire of the Moon, comes a sensual and sexy tale that portrays erotic love between two truly beautiful women. The stunning Melissa Hellman (beloved Judy Francesconi model) stars as tall and handsome writer Byron, with the equally lovely Johanna Nemeth as the sculptress Cynara. Like a lesbian Wuthering Heights, Cynara: Poetry in Motion plays out a glorious lesbian romance full of brilliant chemistry, exciting love scenes and glossy production values. Erotic and atmospheric, this 19th Century period girl meets girl drama takes place amidst the moody surroundings of the Pacific Northwest.